Viewing R&D from a Security Lens

Research and development (R&D) might be primarily about generating innovative ideas to unlock the agriculture sector.

But for a region battling severe effects of climate change and terrorism, R&D takes an additional value. In the sense that it can create new solutions to stem the massive youth migration out of Africa through gainful employment in the agro-food sector. It can also develop climate sensitive technologies and solutions to build the resilience of communities.

This is why when former US Ambassador and USAID Mission Director, Mrs. Pamela White came visiting Africa’s largest sub-regional agricultural research organization, not only did she want to understand what CORAF does, but to also identify ways in which USAID can design programs that best meet the current needs of West Africa.

Ambassador White visited CORAF on Friday, January 30, 2018, as part of efforts by USAID to learn and understand the opportunities and challenges facing the West Africa region and particularly sub-regional institutions. The results of these consultations are expected to strengthen USAID programming through regional Institutions in West Africa. She was accompanied by Director of the Regional Economic Growth Office, Dr. Richard Chan.