CORAF Programs Affected by COVID-19

The regional situation of the spread of COVID-19 is evolving and a significant source for concern for us all. The Dakar-based Executive Secretariat of CORAF is in close contact with all its implementing partners to ensure the seamless continuity of its strategically prioritized program activities. However, our actions are dictated by public health advice from the respective national governments in our countries of intervention as well as our key regional partners.

So far, while international travels are on hold, we have suspended non-essential in-country travel to project sites for the following projects:

However, the technical team and support staff of the Executive Secretariat are working remotely to continue advancing our food and nutrition security agenda as you can see below:

Meantime, CORAF’s  technical and financial partners are working hard to combat the Coronavirus. Learn more:

Latest Reports on Effects of COVID-19 Africa’s Economies and Hunger Situation