CORAF’s Governing Board Approves Revised Work Plan

The Governing Board of CORAF has approved the revised work plan. Meeting in its 28th session from July 15-17, 2020, the Governing Board also commended the executive secretariat for the progress made in implementing the 2020 work plan despite challenging circumstances brought about by COVID-19.

The revised work plan moves some of CORAF’s operations online as a way to circumvent the COVID-19-related travel restrictions.

“I will like to commend the Executive Director and his team for the work done under extremely challenging circumstances,” said Dr. Ângela Maria Pereira Barreto da Veiga Moreno, Chairperson of the Governing Board of CORAF.

The 28th Session of the GB was the first to be held virtually because of various governments’ travel restrictions due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Earlier this year, the CORAF Governing Board approved an ambitious annual plan. While progress has been made, COVID-19 considerably disrupted implementation.

CORAF’s works to enhance food and nutrition security and boost the prosperity of the people of West and Central Africa. In doing so, it carries out a series of annual work plans designed to contribute to the implementation of the 2018-2022 Operational Plan.

At approval in 2018, the current operational plan was projected to cost USD 60 million. So far, about 90 percent of this amount has been mobilized.

Most of the funding is provided by donor agencies such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the European Union, and the World Bank.

CORAF’s governance system is composed of a General Assembly (supreme authority and highest decision-making body), a Governing Board, an Executive Secretariat, and the Scientific and Technical Committee.

The GB supervises the activities of the Executive Secretariat of CORAF. In this capacity, it examines and approves the work plans and budgets and takes strategic decisions to improve its performance.

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