Cote d’Ivoire : Unlocking the Baking Industry

Until recently, most small bakery businesses in Cote d’Ivoire faced significant challenges related to obtaining raw material including flour.

Thanks to the composite bread technique exported from Senegal by WAAPP Cote d’Ivoire, many of the hurdles in the pastry market are now being addressed. Pastry and bread are now produced with inexpensive, more nutritive and easy-to-produce cassava flour.

According to Louis Kakou, the manager of Top’Pain, an Abidjan-based leading pastry firm, they now have enough flour to grow their businesses and meet local demand thanks to WAAPP-generated cassava.

« Before the training workshops organized by the WAAPP, women bakers did not know one can use local flour to bake and obtain good results, » says the manager of Top’Pain.

WAAPP has trained 500 firms, of which 350 bakers and 150 pastries. Solange Mundi, a baker and bakery teacher at an Abidjan institute, says “I can now save more money because local flour is less expensive, and that impacts on the entire cycle of production and sales.”

To provide added value to the corn and cassava sector, WAAPP Cote d’Ivoire initiated, as a priority activity, the development of local flours made from these products in bread making. This project aims at encouraging the production and consumption of composite bread made with local flour by bakery and pastry professionals and the population.