Partnership for Agricultural Research, Education and Development

PAIRED and Feed the Future

The Feed the Future Initiative (FTF) is a US government program launched in 2010 to contribute to tackling global hunger and food insecurity.


The program is built on the belief that global hunger is solvable. It works with indigenous organizations across to the world. In West Africa, the program is implemented by the US Agency for International Development in collaboration with established groups in the private and public sector.


PAIRED is aligned to not only priorities of the Feed the Future Multi-Year Strategy Advancing Regional African Partners (ARAP) but also the Regional Development Cooperation Strategy (RDCS).


Most importantly PAIRED like CORAF’s new strategies are also aligned regional priorities of Regional Organizations, including The Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) of African Union implemented by the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) Agency and ECOWAP.

Relationship with ECOWAS Agriculture Policy


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a primary partner of USAID/WA, promotes Economic integration across the region in all fields of economic activities including agriculture. The work of ECOWAS is guided by its West Africa Agricultural Policy (ECOWAP), its Regional Agricultural Investment Program (RAIP) and its member states’ National Investment Program (NAIP), all developed as part of the CAADP process. ECOWAP emphasizes increased productivity and competitiveness of West African agriculture. This program will contribute directly to both CAADP and ECOWAP.

West Africa Seed Program